>Turtles, Dirt and Friends. Oh My!

>     Hello Everyone! Happy Saturday!

     I have no finished project to show today, no new pics or anything else. My plan for today is to go outside and make a habitat for the turtles. I have four red eared slider turtles, all acquired over the summer. There are two “pairs”, each pair having come from a different family. Kiki and Pepe came to me from my neighbor and Tina and Charlie came from my boyfriend’s son. Anyway, they are swimming, paired into two large tanks, and they really need to be able to get onto some land. Or, they will eventually die.  😦
There will have to be two habitats because there is a very good chance they will fight if I put them all together. And, I don’t know how to break up a turtle fight…..
     Since I don’t have it together this weekend, I would like to introduce you to some of my cool bloggy friends.  They are:

Sea Kettle Diaries

Man + cat from the Kettle

Sea Kettle Diaries is the story of a super sweet New England teacher living in an 1811 farmhouse. Sigh. My dream.

Never Enough Thyme Creations

What a beautiful picture, huh?

Never Enough Thyme Creations is written by a faux finisher. She has some super cute Halloween stuff up right now.

You Had Me at Bonjour

I heart these pillows!

You Had Me at Bonjour: Travel, Craft and Life in France. Need I say more? Tres amusement!

I have other cool friends not introduced, they are a few cool mommies and a talented writer. Those introductions will be made in the near future but until then, you can always find them on my sidebar if you just can’t wait.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend! I’m going to play in some dirt now.