>Show and Share Sunday

>Hey Everyone
Happy Sunday! Here in the States its a three day weekend for us. Monday is Memorial Day, the day that we pause to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country – the soldiers who have laid down their lives while protecting America’s freedom.
So far I have spent my weekend just cleaning up and moving furniture around (again!). About every 6 months I get the itch for a change and move things around and I’m still not done yet, lol! I am trying to find myself a little workspace in the living room. My house is only about 1300 square feet and the layout makes it so that every space is dedicated to something and I have no spare rooms. Major creativity is required!
Someday I will have a little craft studio. I have dreamed of having a studio in the backyard.

The Shed Shop studio examples.

These sheds cost about $12,000, a bit out of my price range for now. But these beauties are nicely put together with electrical and I would hope, heat and air conditioning. Ahhh, someday. For now it will be a total takeover of the garage for furniture re-dos and a wall in the living room for office/craft space.

Your turn! Please link only your specific post and anything goes.

<div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><a href=”http://craftygeordi.blogspot.com/2011/01/show-and-share-sunday.html&#8221; style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Photobucket” border=”0″ height=”200″ src=”http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/geordilynn/IMG_1018editframe-3.jpg&#8221; width=”200″ /></a></div>

>Upcycled Dining Set For Patio

>If you have spent any time on this blog you might have seen my patio furniture. It is a set that was popular in the ’90s. Well, the ’90s are over and I needed some patio furniture. All I did was sand the wood parts and spray paint.  In funky colors! I chose the colors because they remind me of drinking margaritas at a Mexican restaurant.

Here is the before:

The legs were already off the table from storage.

And the after:

Aren’t they cheerful?

The chairs aren’t the most comfy…

…so I have memory foam seat cushions in the plans.

* 5/31/11 – Update: This should go without sayin’ but I don’t always pay attention to my instincts….Don’t leave this out in the rain. The pressboard under the tiles swelled up and cracked the wood. OOPS!!

>Dreamin’ of…….

>     I just read this post at Apron Thrift Girl about dreaming. Selena is dreaming of having a home on 10 acres. I could totally get down with that. Chris and I are also dreaming of living on acreage. In fact, we were just talking about this a few days ago. I want to have a country home on land with animals and homegrown food, a place that my kids want to come home to with their own families in tow. Or….have multiple homes on this property and all of the kids could live here, his and mine! Could you imagine, the hippie family commune, where the grandkids ride ponies and eat berries from the vine, we raise and grow our own food and everyone in this large family helps each other. This is a ways into the future but Chris and I are slowly planning for this and getting all of our ducks in a row in order to make this happen someday.
     Something else I have been dreaming of is to quit my long daily commute and work from home. With my commute there is no way that I can begin working for myself on the side and while still working my current job. Believe me, I’ve tried, lol! So I decided to stop dreaming and just take a leap of faith. My first day as my own boss will be June 6th and I am so excited!!! I will be dabbling in a few things like reselling (lots of antique items) and selling my upcycled crafts. Its going to be a lot of hard work and I am so ready to begin.

Oh, and I dream of buying another horse someday 🙂     When I have plenty of time and $$.

>Painted Dresser

>Hi Everyone

     Remember my baby dresser that I showed recently?

Circa 1969.
Hey, there are toys in here!
Gaaa!! Spider!
This is sad. Water damage to the legs.

Peeling wood.

I glued the peeling part back down and clamped it while it dried.

    After taking care of business then the fun stuff began!
In the areas where I planned to distress the paint I spraypainted in silver. I had actually found the silver paint in one of the drawers. Score!

I spray painted the whole thing in glossy black. After the paint dried I sanded the edges and corners. Doing this revealed the silver and also revealed some of the old white in places. Unintended but cool effect nonetheless. I added nickel hardware and voila.
Now she’s fit to come back in the house.

>Show and Share Sunday

>Hey Everyone!
Happy Sunday! So far I’ve spend the weekend multitasking and with the exception of dishes, I have not done a spot of housework (which means that I will be very busy today). I was in the garage simultaneously working on 4 projects. Which is very fun and effective as long as I can keep sawdust from blowing onto new paint, or drifting spray paint onto another project…..

I have a dresser, 2 chairs, a spice rack and a lovely sewing desk.

The chairs and spice rack are done (yay!) and the dresser is almost there.
This little beauty was picked up at a garage sale for $10. The lady said its an antique…I don’t know about that but I do know that it is all wood, not the cheap-y particle board. It might be from the ’50s or ’60s…..
Your turn! Please link only your specific post and anything goes.

<div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><a href=”http://craftygeordi.blogspot.com/2011/01/show-and-share-sunday.html&#8221; style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Photobucket” border=”0″ height=”200″ src=”http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/geordilynn/IMG_1018editframe-3.jpg&#8221; width=”200″ /></a></div>

>More Antique Postcards

>Hi Everyone!

     Who remembers my antique postcards post from a couple of days ago? Here are some more antique postcards. I have really enjoyed looking through these…..

I have no idea what Horry means….that just makes it more fun though…

Poor hungry babe.

I think that this kid is cutting up stuff. I wonder if he got into trouble?

A little writers block, maybe?
Brothers. One of them shipped out the following week.

Their names are all here.

I still have so many cards to show. I’ll get them up here bit by bit…..

>Antique Postcards

>Hey Everyone!

Part of my garage sale scores this weekend include 33 antique postcards, some are blank and some are written on, stamped and postmarked! Here are my favorites:

This beautiful Andalusian dancer’s dress is embroidered right onto the postcard.
This one is from 1903. Mr. Paul Biersach is wondering why his wife hasn’t written……now I’m curious too.
Can you see the 1903 postmark?
George Wilcox wrote to his friend Evelyn…
…101 days before he died in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Russian valentine. I can totally understand how this boy feels.

I can’t wait to show you some more! I am always fascinated by these personal little snippets of history.

>Upcycled Wire Shelf

>I snagged this wire plant stand for 50 cents at a garage sale this past Saturday. Its rather rough looking, perhaps it has been outside for a while, and there is a shelf missing.

Here is the before.
Not much to look at yet.

After a coat of tractor paint.

I think that this may be a good plate stand. Or plant stand. Or…….

Isn’t it bright and cheerful now?

>Show and Share Sunday

>Hey Everyone.

Chris and I had quite the day yesterday. First we drove a half hour east of us to Dos Palos for a yard sale. Except this yard sale consisted of inventory from a Bay Area antique store that closed its doors 5 years ago. I spent about $150, way, way more than I had expected to spend. And this was after the much more reasonable $10 that I spent at another garage sale here in town. I have a lot of projects lined up now, from photographing and listing jewelry, painting things, etc. Oh, and cleaning up the mess I made yesterday 🙂

Antique jewelry and post cards. Fun, fun, expensive loot!
Garage sale and Salvation Army pile.

Isn’t this wooden rocking horse so cute? It is warped in the shoulder but still solid. No repairs (except perhaps cosmetic) necessary.

What have you got to show off? Your turn! Please link only your specific post and anything goes.


<div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><a href=”http://craftygeordi.blogspot.com/2011/01/show-and-share-sunday.html&#8221; style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Photobucket” border=”0″ height=”200″ src=”http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/geordilynn/IMG_1018editframe-3.jpg&#8221; width=”200″ /></a></div>