>Show and Share Sunday


2/7/11  Hey everyone. If you came here ealier and found my linky party closed, no worries. I paid for my subscription and the party is BACK ON! Bring me your besties and join the fun.

     Hey Guys!

     Guess how lucky I am! I received another

     This was from my friend, Lesley. Well, not friend, exactly, that would be presumptive. But, I hope that we become friends ‘cuz she looks like a girl that I could really hang with! Fun, fun, fun. She even wears pirate panties. And drinks wine.  I hope that she isn’t disappointed that I won’t be participating in this one. To be quite honest, I had only heard from about 1/4 of the people who I nominated the last time I received this award and lets face it – I hate rejection. So I am just not going to go there again…..But, enough of my childish issues. Go visit Lesley and check out her panties. The rest of her post is hilarious too.

     Now it’s time for the Show and Share Sunday linky Party!! There are not too many rules. Please, just grab a button and put it on your blog where people would expect to find linky party buttons. And, I would love it if you became a follower! Come as you are, bring what you have. Crafting, thrifting, junking, decor and renos, these are all good. The party goes on Sunday through Saturday. On Saturday I will feature some awesome projects. I do not pick favorites. To find out why, go here.


<div class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;”><a href=”http://craftygeordi.blogspot.com/2011/01/show-and-share-sunday.html&#8221; style=”margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Photobucket” border=”0″ height=”200″ src=”http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/geordilynn/IMG_1018editframe-3.jpg&#8221; width=”200″ /></a></div>

>My First Blog Award!

>Hi Everyone!

     I cannot believe that I have won my first blog award! Grandma’s Guide to Life was so nice to include me and I am super flattered that she thought that Crafty Geordi  is stylish enough to receive the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you, Carli!


Here are the rules for acceptance of the award:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you the award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 other bloggers.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
 So, seven things about me are:
  1. I have 16 pets. The only ones I actually purchased were Missy the horse and Sandy the dog. Everyone else was re-homed to me or stray. What can I say? I am a sucker!
  2. I purchased my 1995 Volkswagon Jetta for only $700 almost 2 years ago. It had only 35,000 miles on it when I bought it. We use it every day for our commute, it has saved us so much money in gas! My other car is a 1995 Ford Explorer.
  3. I taught myself how to make jewelry. During a trip through the American Southwest in 1992, I purchased some Native American jewelry from a man on the Navajo reservation. I looked at the necklace, thought “hey, I could do this!” and as soon as I was home, I began shopping local bead stores.
  4. My family laughed at me tonight when I purchased a single lottery ticket for the $350 million Megamillions California Lotto game. I figure that you can’t win if you don’t play and I am in the game now, right?
  5. My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 9. I did that for a few years, put it down and didn’t pick it back up until I was in my mid thirties.
  6. I collect antique Oneida silverplate. My first piece was a Community spoon and then I was hooked! Most of my pieces are mismatched.
  7. I love country music. Partly because I have been able to meet so many of the artists, including Rascal Flatts!

     So, now it is time for me to pass on the love!

 Congrats, everyone! I am very glad to have found your blogs. This was a hard list to make because I have a loooong list of blogs that bring joy to me every day and I wish I could award everyone!